Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Media processor module for cutting, converting media contents (audio, video, etc.)

# This source code utilise ideas and sample processing codes from Victoria Chua
#     Github profile:
# This code is a part of speach library:
# :copyright: (c) 2021 Le Tuan Anh <>
# :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.

import os
import sys
import logging
import platform
import subprocess
import tempfile
from binascii import crc32 as python_crc32
from pathlib import Path

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Determine ffmpeg binary location
# ------------------------------------------------------------

    "C:\\Program Files\\ffmpeg\\ffmpeg.exe",
    "C:\\Program Files\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe",


if platform.system() == "Windows":
    for _potential_path in WIN_EXE_POTENTIAL_PATHS:
        if Path(_potential_path).is_file():
            _FFMPEG_PATH = _potential_path
    if not _FFMPEG_PATH:
        # use any inkscape.exe in PATH as backup solution
        _FFMPEG_PATH = "ffmpeg.exe"
    for _potential_path in OTHER_POTENTIAL_PATHS:
        if Path(_potential_path).is_file():
            _FFMPEG_PATH = _potential_path
    if not _FFMPEG_PATH:
        _FFMPEG_PATH = "ffmpeg"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def _ffmpeg(*args, ffmpeg_path=None, capture_output=False, text=None, check=False):
    """ [Internal] Low level function call to ffmpeg

    This function should not be called by normal users.
    if ffmpeg_path is None:
        ffmpeg_path = _FFMPEG_PATH
    logging.getLogger(__name__).debug("Executing {[ffmpeg_path]}")
    if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 7:
        return[ffmpeg_path, *(str(x) for x in args)],
                              text=text, check=check)
        if capture_output:
            procinfo =[ffmpeg_path, *(str(x) for x in args)],
                                    stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=check)
            procinfo =[ffmpeg_path, *(str(x) for x in args)], check=check)
        # Python < 3.7 does not support kwarg text
        if text:
            if procinfo.stdout:
                procinfo.stdout = procinfo.stdout.decode(encoding='utf-8')
            if procinfo.stderr:
                procinfo.stderr = procinfo.stderr.decode(encoding='utf-8')
        return procinfo

def _norm_path(p):
    return os.path.expanduser(p) if p.startswith("~") else p

def _validate_outfile(outfile):
    _p = _norm_path(str(outfile))
    if not outfile:
        raise ValueError("Output file was not specified")
    elif os.path.exists(_p):
        raise FileExistsError(f"Output file {outfile} exists")
    return _p

def _validate_infile(infile):
    _p = _norm_path(str(infile))
    if not infile:
        raise ValueError("Input file was not specified")
    elif not os.path.isfile(_p):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Input file {infile} does not exist")
    return _p

def _validate_args(infile, outfile):
    return _validate_infile(infile), _validate_outfile(outfile)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# media APIs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs]def version(ffmpeg_path=None): """ Determine using ffmpeg version >>> from speach import media >>> media.version() '4.2.4-1ubuntu0.1' """ try: output = _ffmpeg("-version", capture_output=True, text=True, ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg_path, check=False) except FileNotFoundError: return None version_line = output.stdout.splitlines()[0] if output and output.stdout else '' parts = version_line.split() if parts and len(parts) > 3 and parts[0] == 'ffmpeg' and parts[1] == 'version': return parts[2] else: return None
[docs]def locate_ffmpeg(): """ locate the binary file of ffmpeg program (i.e. ffmpeg.exe) >>> from speach import media >>> media.locate_ffmpeg() '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' """ return _FFMPEG_PATH
[docs]def concat(text, outfile, dir=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Process a ffmpeg demuxer file and write result to outfile Read more: :param text: demuxer content string, which will be written to a temporary file before calling :type text: str :param outfile: path to an output file :param dir: The directory to create the temp demuxer file, leave as None to use Python default temp dir """ outfile = _validate_outfile(outfile) with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="wt", dir=dir) as concat_file: concat_file.write(text) return _ffmpeg("-f", "concat", "-segment_time_metadata", 1, "-i",, *args, outfile, **kwargs)
[docs]def cut(infile, outfile, from_ts=None, to_ts=None, use_concat=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Cut a media file from a timestamp to another timestamp To cut myfile.wav from ``00:03:12`` to the end of the file and write output to outfile.ogg >>> media.cut("myfile.wav", "outfile.ogg", from_ts="00:03:12") To cut myfile.wav from the beginning to ``00:04:27`` and then write output to outfile.ogg >>> media.cut("myfile.wav", "outfile.ogg", to_ts="00:04:27") When use_concat is set to True, both from_ts and to_ts must be specified >>> media.cut("myfile.wav", "outfile.ogg", from_ts="00:03:12", to_ts="00:04:27", use_concat=True) :param infile: Path to an existing file (in str or Path-like object) :param outfile: Path to output file (must not exist, or else a FileExistsError will be raised) :param from_ts: Leave as None to start cutting from the beginning :type from_ts: a timestamp string or a TimeSlot object :param to_ts: Timestamp to end cutting. Leave as None to cut to the end of the file :type to_ts: a timestamp string or a TimeSlot object :param use_concat: Set to True to use demuxer to cut audio file. Both from_ts and to_ts must be specified when use. Defaulted to None """ infile, outfile = _validate_args(infile, outfile) if from_ts is None and to_ts is None: raise ValueError("from_ts and to_ts cannot be both None") if use_concat and (from_ts is None or to_ts is None): raise ValueError("when use_concat is True, both from_ts and to_ts must be defined") if not use_concat: # use -ss if from_ts is None or str(from_ts) in ["0", "00:00:00", "00:00:00.000"]: _ffmpeg("-i", infile, "-to", to_ts, *args, outfile) elif to_ts is not None: _ffmpeg("-i", infile, "-ss", from_ts, "-to", to_ts, *args, outfile) else: _ffmpeg("-i", infile, "-ss", from_ts, *args, outfile) else: concat_text = "\n".join([f"file '{infile}'", f"inpoint {from_ts}", f"outpoint {to_ts}"]) concat(concat_text, outfile)
[docs]def convert(infile, outfile, *args, ffmpeg_path=None): """ Convert an audio/video file into another format To convert the file ``test.wav`` in Music folder under current user's home directory into ``output.ogg`` >>> from speach import media >>> media.convert("~/Music/test.wav", "~/Music/output.ogg") """ infile, outfile = _validate_args(infile, outfile) _ffmpeg("-i", str(infile), *args, str(outfile), ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg_path)
[docs]def metadata(infile, *args, ffmpeg_path=None): """ Read metadata of a given media file """ _proc = _ffmpeg("-i", str(infile), capture_output=True, text=True, ffmpeg_path=ffmpeg_path) # ffmpeg output metadata to stderr instead of stdout lines = _proc.stderr.splitlines() meta = {} for l in lines: if l.startswith(" title"): meta["title"] = l.split(":", maxsplit=1)[1].strip() elif l.startswith(" artist"): meta["artist"] = l.split(":", maxsplit=1)[1].strip() elif l.startswith(" album"): meta["album"] = l.split(":", maxsplit=1)[1].strip() elif l.startswith(" Duration:"): parts = l.split(",") for p in parts: k, v = p.split(":", maxsplit=1) meta[k.strip()] = v.strip() return meta
def crc32_bytes(data, encoding='utf-8'): return hex(python_crc32(data))[2:].upper() def crc32_str(data, encoding='utf-8'): return crc32_bytes(data.encode(encoding=encoding)) def crc32_file(file_path): return crc32_bytes(Path(file_path).read_bytes())