
There are many ways to contribute to speach. Currently development team are focusing on:

If you have some suggestions or bug reports, please share on speach issues tracker.

Code of conduct

Please read our contributor code of conduct for more information.

Fixing bugs

If you found a bug please report at

When it is possible, please also share how to reproduce the bugs to help with the bug finding process.

Pull requests are welcome.

Updating Documentation

  1. Fork speach repository to your own Github account.

  2. Clone speach repository to your local machine.

    git clone<your-account-name>/speach
  3. Create a virtual environment (optional, but highly recommended)

    # if you use virtualenvwrapper
    mkvirtualenv speach
    workon speach
    # if you use Python venv
    python3 -m venv .env
    . .env/bin/activate
    python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel Sphinx
  4. Build the docs

    cd docs
    # compile the docs
    make dirhtml
    # serve the docs using Python3 built-in development server
    # Note: this requires Python >= 3.7 to support --directory
    python3 -m http.server 7000 --directory _build/dirhtml
    # if you use earlier Python 3, you may use
    cd _build/dirhtml
    python3 -m http.server 7000
    # if you use Windows, you may use
    python -m http.server 7000 --directory _build/dirhtml
  5. Now the docs should be ready to view at http://localhost:7000 . You can visit that URL on your browser to view the docs.

  6. More information:


Development contributions are welcome. Setting up development environment for speach should be similar to Updating Documentation.

Please contact the development team if you need more information: