.. _updates: Speach Changelog ================ Speach 0.1a15 ------------- - 2022-03-16 - Use chirptext >= 0.2a6.post1 - Infer timestamps and duratio of ref_annotations from linked annotations - Fixed Symbolic Association linking bug - Use explicit None checking for timestamps and duration info - Add ``elan.Doc.clone()`` function - Other bug fixes - 2022-03-15 - Use ``chirptext`` >= 0.2a6 for Python 3.10 and Python 3.11 support - Fixed missing lemmas bug in ``ttl_to_igrow()`` - Fixed ``_xml_tostring()`` method for Python < 3.8 Speach 0.1a14 ------------- - 20022-03-09 - Cross-check with controlled vocabularies when creating annotations if possible - 2022-03-07 - Allow to add new annotations to all 5 tier stereotypes - None (default root tiers) - Included In - Time Subdivision - Symbolic Subdivision - Symbolic Association - Support ``lxml`` when available - Support ``pretty_print`` in ``elan.Doc.to_xml_str()`` and ``elan.Doc.to_xml_bin()`` - 2022-03-02 - Add ``speach.elan.create()`` function for creating a new ELAN file from scratch - 2022-02-28 - Add ``LOCALE`` support - Add Speach logo Speach 0.1a13 ------------- - 2022-01-14 - Use ``defusedxml`` automatically when available to parse XML for better security Speach 0.1a12 ------------- - 2021-11-03 - Support controlled vocabularies editing - Add new controlled vocabulary entries - Remove controlled vocabulary entries - Edit controlled vocabularies (values, desciptions, languages) - Add crc32 helper functions to ``speach.media`` module Speach 0.1a11 ------------- - 2021-08-26 - Add ``encoding`` option to ``eaf2csv`` command Speach 0.1a10 ------------- - 2021-07-27 - Support editing ELAN media fields - media_file - time_units - media_url - mime_type - relative_media_url Speach 0.1a9 ------------ - 2021-05-27 - Use TTLv2 API (chirptext >= 0.2a4.post1) Speach 0.1a8 ------------ - 2021-05-27: Added some basic ELAN editing functions - Update participant codes - Update tier names - Update annotation texts Speach 0.1a7 ------------ - 2021-04-30 - Added :func:`speach.elan.ELANDoc.cut` function to cut annotations to separate audio files. - Expand user home directory automatically when using :func:`speach.elan.read_eaf` function. - Module :mod:`speach.media` supports converting media files, cutting them by timestamps, and demuxer concat. - Package :ref:`Victoria Chua `'s media processing code into ``speach.media`` module. - 2021-04-28 - Initial release on PyPI